~"Shut Up" Oil~ Is someone spreading gossip and lies, and you wish they'd just shut up? This oil can be used in spells to help ensure just that. After all, gossip can be extremely hurtful and even damaging to a person's life! You'll need two (2) teaspoons each: ~Alum Powder ~Cloves, coarsely crushed ~Red Pepper Flakes The Alum dries and "puckers" the mouth. The cloves are a strong, thorny herb which can be used as a "halting" power, and acts as a numbing agent when you chew on a clove. The red pepper flakes add heat and a burning sensation. The idea is you are "drying up and numbing" their mouth, making it hard for them to talk, as well as "causing them pain when they talk crap and making their words burn them". So it makes it hard for them to spread gossip and causes them "pains" and regrets if they do. It is best to crush the herbs a bit to bring out the oils. I think leaving the cloves coarse is great because they are like sharp shards. You'll want to charge it with a "silencing" energy. It's somewhat like a binding, imposing your will that they not speak ill of you or someone else any more. Perhaps instead of chanting something, mouth it silently or reduce the volume until your words are silent. Especially paired with words such as "Your lies and gossip shall fall silent." By the time you say "silent" you actually are silent, to punctuate it. You can add a personal item of theirs if you want to make this for use on a specific person. Or you could leave it basic and use it on the personals of someone. This can be used on anything from petition papers, to candle spells, to poppets, for dressing a cow tongue, or in tandem with a freezer spell- anything you can think of! If you're using it on a poppet or photo, I suggest using it on the mouth area specifically.
Posted by Deleted (be386e82) at 2021-02-28 13:41:45 UTC